Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 1: It's real.

I'm exhausted and exhilarated. To this point, I've only spoken of and imagined what this day would bring. I think it's safe to say I was doing just that...imagining. To have experienced today in all its grandeur was one of the most powerful events of my life.

Thomas and I woke up this morning on board at the Coast Guard Station Golden Gate, packed up the bikes, and had an emotional send-off with approximately 15 shipmates. Thomas and I were so honored to have each of our bikes carried down, under, and up the stairs to other side of the bridge (from the parking lot) where we launched. To see those servicemen doing so really sent home how important this tour is to so many people. Those men and women are on the front lines of this epidemic in their community, and give so much to bring closure to the families who suffer the loss of suicide.

Before we took off, the CO of the base handed each of us a Coast Guard unity coin, explaining that as we shook hands with the coin nestled in our palms, a lasting bond was being made. It was a moving moment.

As we mounted the bikes to begin our journey, it was about 45 degrees, raining, and fog covered the top third of the bridge. It was beautiful, scary, surreal, and oh, yeah...windy! On the other side of the bridge, I looked up the weather conditions to verify that gusts were up to 46mph.

We met with a new friend who lost his brother by way of the bridge, and he was kind enough to guide us through the rest of San Francisco on our way to Los Altos!

We arrived to Los Altos and were treated to dinner and warm beds, along with an opportunity to meet and share with two couples, each of whom have lost a child to suicide.

There are no words to describe the overwhelming compassion and support I've felt today, and it's only the first day.

My continued hope is that as we learn from each of these communities, we can somehow share the blessings with which we've been blessed by these amazing people.

In the interest of brevity, I'm omitting pretty much everything that has happened from our arrival in Santa Cruz on Sunday to our departure this morning. Hopefully some of the video blogs posted will share some of that. Let it be known, though: this week has far-surpassed my wildest dreams and/or expectations. There is so much love out there, and we need to not only live and share it, but first be aware of it! If you didn't know, now you do.

Love and Life,

ps- I'm sinking into my pillow for now, but tomorrow I will RISE again!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone.

Location:Los Altos, CA


  1. Good on ya, mate!

  2. Wow man - incredible send-off and I can't wait to continue to live vicariously through your posts! Good luck out there! I came across a great quote by Walt Whitman that reminded me of you so I thought I'd share:

    "I will sleep no more but aRISE, you oceans that have been calm within me! How I feel you, fathomless, stirring, preparing unprecedented waves and storms."

    Good luck man!

  3. Just got chills reading this, and it's just your first few days! Sending prayers for a safe journey, look forward to meeting you guys when u arrive in sunny Florida ;) thank you for carrying the torch, for our brothers.

